I am a linear type of gal. Unless I am studying or doing a very special reading I prefer to lay the cards out in a linear fashion. It could be three cards or seven or I have even been known to keep pulling cards until the inner voice says "stop".
Today I asked the question:
"What is it about reading in a linear fashion that appeals to me?"
The Emperor
The Emperor is represented by the number 4, which is solid, logical, realistic, and concrete. That appeals to my Virgo nature!
"Who's The Boss?" also comes to mind. Perhaps I like to see the story unfolding without the restrictions of spread placements. Micro managing is second nature to me *lol*
There is a very, very small stream behind the throne of the Emperor. I don't think he relies heavily on emotion or intuition but it is there, right behind him. You would think that the structure of a spread would be more useful to a leader than relying on the world of water and emotions that is inherent in linear reading. But he has to make decisions on the fly too and should not discount that small voice that tells what is good information and what is not.
I will study this question and the answer more thoroughly to see what else the Emperor has to say about my style of reading.
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