Saturday, October 4, 2008
Elemental Personalities In The Tarot
Elemental Personalities In The Tarot
The Four Suits
Fire – passionate, assertive, aggressive, intuitive, energetic, risktakers, sexual, ambitious, reckless.
Water – emotional, romantic, empathic, passive, idealistic, hopeful,psychic, spiritual.
Air – intelligent, honest, logical, rational, reasonable, conflicted,thoughtful, knowledgeable, understanding, intellectual.
Earth – material, slow and plodding, fertile, studious, patient,comfort seeking, survivalist, practical, down to earth, hard working.
Wands – fire, zealot, sexually motivated, competitive, fiery temper.
Cups – water, imaginative, considerate, kind, nurturing, loving.
Swords – air, rational, truthful, analytical, intelligent,intellectual, diplomatic.
Pentacles – earth, wealthy, hard worker, patient, stable, reliable.
Wands – fire, passionate, temperamental, fondness for sex,demonstrative, ambitious.
Cups – water, emotional, sensitive, psychic, occult interests, gentle,loving.
Swords – air, sarcastic, witty, intellectual, good communicator,rational.
Pentacles – earth, wealthy, good money manager, fertile, nature lover,fondness for luxury.
Wands – fire, swiftness in actions, ambitious, haste, enthusiasm,excitable.
Cups – water, intuitive, moody, idealistic, social, sensitive,romantic.
Swords – air, analytical, communicator, decisive, adviser, honest.
Pentacles – earth, plodding, patient, practical, hard working.
Wands – competitive, excitable, optimistic, courageous, daring.
Cups – loving, psychic, kind, friendly, sensitive, warm, hopeful.
Swords – air, keen intellect, logical, a negotiator, witty,
Pentacles – earth, studious, stable, reliable, thrifty, love of nature.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
The Seven of Cups - What Is In Them?
Rider-Waite Symbolism
Generally speaking, Waite describes these cups as strange chalices ofvision. They are all up on a cloud, which may reflect their ungrounded,impractical or transient nature and the over-imagination or confusionof the figure conjuring them. Accordingly, they have been associatedwith wishful thinking.
There is some dispute as to what the 7 symbols in the cups mean, buttarotologists have some speculation as to the meanings. It may be notedthat the exact elements of this vision may be less important than thevery act of conjuring them.
This Card represents self-delusion. Ideas that we need not worry aboutthe real world because we might win the lottery.
The cups seem to offer:
* A snake - may represent animal passion and desire. Alternatively,some consider the snake to represent powerful transformative knowledge.The snake around The Magician's waist may offer insight into Waite'sintention with this inclusion herein.
* A treasure horde - probably represents wealth and abundance.
* A human head - may represent a potential companion to the seeker(love).
* A castle or tower - may represent power and stability, or one'snative land. (contrast with The Tower)
* A laurel wreath - most likely represents victory, honour andstatus. Note the skull like shadow on the cup itself, which may pointto the great dangers of vanity and pride (a deadly sin).
* A dragon - in keeping with the Christian imagery of the deck, itis more likely a symbol of evil, anger and envy, calamity. Today,dragons are mostly associated with fantasy, the supernatural, magic.
* A shrouded, glowing figurine - may represent the burning need forthe conjurer's self-illumination.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Page of Swords
I was doing some research last night on this Page. I have found that this card has been interpreted mostly as "spy".
Historically this Page was reputed to be Ogier, the son of Danish King Geoffrey; Renaut a paladin of Charlemagne among others.
These are the original cartomantic interpretations (according to Paul Huson):
Etteilla - a spy, a curiosity seeker, an observer, an examiner, a watcher, calculation, speculation
Reversed - unforeseen, sudden, unexpected, to compose or recite on the spot
Mathers - a spy, overlooking, authority
Reversed - that which is unforeseen, vigilance, support
Golden Dawn - wisdom, strength, acuteness, grace, dexterity
Reversed - frivolous and cunning
Waite - authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination, an indiscreet person will pry into the querent's affairs
Reversed - unforeseen, an unprepared state, sickness
I find it interesting that the GD's interpretations are not even close to anyone else's. Is this where we began to get the modern interpretation?
In "Dictionary of the Tarot" by Bill Butler I found this:
Crowley - her character is stern and revengeful, her logic is destructive, she is firm and aggressive, great practical wisdom
Douglas - similar to traditional with additional negative implications of deviousness, prying, vindictiveness, or treachery
Eden Gray - a page in the diplomatic service, possible great understanding of diplomacy, impostors, cunning, possible sickness
Grimaud - defensive and agile intellect triumphing without violence , oppression by matter, powerlessness in the face of strong forces
Papus - a child, an enemy, bad news, delay
Mystical Origins of the Tarot
Paul Huson
Pages 216 - 218
Dictionary of the Tarot
Bill Butler
Pages 99 - 102
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Moon
Iam confused (which people who know me realize is a natural statefor
me!).I was looking through several decks for some inspiration about
TheMoon. Those of you who have read some articles about Aleister
Crowleywill remember his famous line, "Tzaddi is not the star".
Inthe RWS deck the numbering system begins with the Fool and that
cardis numbered 0. It is given the Hebrew letter Aleph, the first
numberof the Hebrew alphabet. The letters are assigned in a linear
fashionwhich brings us to the Moon card (numbered 18) and the Hebrew
letterQOPH, number 19 in the alphabet. My books say that this letter
means"ear", stands for the occult extension of sleep, thedirection
South-Below,the corporeal intelligence and the zodiacal sign Pisces.
Onthe face of it, this seems reasonable.
Now,lets go back to Tzaddi. The RWS (and the Golden Dawn) assignthe
letterTzaddi to the 17th card, the Star. Tzaddi means fish hookand
representsthought, meditation, South-above, and Aquarius. Again, this
seemsreasonable given the meaning of the card.
Nowfor the spanner in the works. I have a lovely deck calledthe
KazanlarTarot. It was designed by Emil Kazanlar. Mr. Kazanlar came
froma father of mixed Turkish and Persian background and aHungarian
mother.He lived in the countries of both parents and grew up in a
homewhere each parent followed a different religion. The deck isa
combinationof Asian and European influences. His illustrations and
cardmeanings can be quite different from what we are used to inNorth
Inthis deck the numbering system begins with the number 1 card,the
Magician,which is given the first number of the Hebrew alphabet
Aleph.(This always made more sense to me but I do understand thatthe
placingof the Hebrew letters was very difficult and involved - they
don'treally belong there, it is a man-made convention that was used
totry to tie more symbolism into the cards).
Thisnumbering system brings us to the Moon card which in this deckis
assignedTzaddi! Hey! Tzaddi really isn't the Star :)
Nowwe know that Tzaddi means fish-hook. The author states that,"the
hookserves also to fix together something that is loose. It makesthe
uncertain,certain. A subtitle for the Moon is pleasant uncertainty;
moonlightsignifies uncertainty...It is reminiscent of a
will-o'-the-wispthat catches the eye and gives a vague premonition of
So,finally the questions! Do the attributions assigned to the cards
makeany difference to you? Does associating Pisces vs. Aquariuschange
themeaning of the card? Does anyone really care if the Moon is QOPH
orTzaddi? Does your interpretation of a card change when usingdecks
withdifferent symbols and associations? Just what is it in a Tarot
cardthat "speaks" to you?
Commondivinatory meanings of the Moon are voluntary change, mystery,
theoccult, dreams, the inner path, the subconscious, deception,fear,
unforeseenperils, hidden dangers, restlessness.
Ithink it also represents the dangers of the Spiritual path. These
areusually based on fear of the unknown, conditioning from society
andmainstream religion. We must take this journey; emotional
commitmentto a materialistic philosophy of life only creates an
illusionof safety and quite often manifests that which we fear the
most.It is inevitable that we make the journey to the light, we might
aswell have fun along the way!
Oh,I almost forgot. Some Moon lore for everyone. The Moon is theonly
astralbody which encircles the earth. The planets revolve around the
Sunand the sun revolves around the Galactic centre. That makes the
Moonvery special to us here on earth.
Radiant Waite Tarot and Kazanlar Tarot:
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Whispering Tarot
I received a lovely new tarot deck this week - The Whispering Tarot by well known astrologer and tarot reader Liz Hazel. Liz is the author of "Tarot Decoded", a must have book in anyone's tarot library.
The cards themselves are very small but the artwork is still not too difficult to see (even for old eyes like mine!). The accompanying CD which holds colour images, card descriptions and interpretations is well done and I will be printing it out as well. The PDF format works well.
I will talk again about this deck after I have used it for a few readings. That is where the decks separate themselves into "readable" and "collectible". I think this deck will be both.
You can find this deck at Liz's site:
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Here's my Plurk addy:
Saturday, August 2, 2008
OpenTarot Website
It seemed like a good idea at the time - a directory of tarot and occult sites. Guess I had ideas of grandeur or something - I would be the next google *lol*
It's still a good idea, I just need to spend more time adding links. I also want to rearrange the categories, simplify things a bit.
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Deviant Moon Tarot
panic for weeks because all of my pre-orders kept falling through.
Jeannette at The Tarot Garden came through in spades!
I love this deck. It speaks to the melancholy, lunar images of our
dreams and bring to life some of our most closely held fears. Despite
the disturbing (to some) artwork, this deck is easily used for
readings. If you look at the image on the 3 of Swords you will see that the
figure is touching one of the blades (there is a small drop of blood
there) - she needs to know if the pain she feels is real or imagined
(this is, after all, the suit of the intellect and the mind - quite
often we think things are worse than they really are or we invent pain
for various manipulative reasons). It seems to be real.
The Ace of Cups is perhaps the most beautiful rendering of this card
that I have ever seen. From the LWB:
"An Angel lovingly cradles the golden chalice against her body. Her
warm spirit invigorates the liquid she holds, inviting the moon to sip
of its contents.
Upright - Abundant pleasure, fullness of spirit, beautiful situations
in life.
Reversed - Unfortunate and abrupt changes, loss of love, stagnation."
Here is the author's MySpace page with lots of images and info:
And here is the official website of the deck: